About Score History's Event Styles

About Score History's Event Styles

Two weeks ago, Scopos announced Score History, a powerful new tool built into Rezults that lets athletes track all of their scores online. Regardless of the course of fire, where those scores were shot, or if they were practice or competition. A key concept behind this new feature is called Event Styles.

What is an Event Style?

As shooters we are already familiar with the idea behind Event Styles. They are the events that we shoot. For example, Air Pistol is an Event Style, as is Three-Position Smallbore, and so is Service Rifle. All we did with this concept is quantify it and name it Event Style.

Tracking Your Event Styles

When you view your Score History, Rezults will show you every score you fired, regardless of the Event Style. One of the columns will list the specific Event Style for that day’s scores. As an athlete, though, you are really only concerned with one, maybe two, or maybe three Event Styles that you focus your time on.

Tracking an Event Style lets you view your average, see your trends (e.g. are you improving?), and graph your scores over time.


Selecting Event Styles to Track

Selecting Event Styles to track is easy. On the Score History score grid, choose a row that has a score for an Event Style that you want to track. Then, on the right hand side, under “More Options” select the options button. Then click the “Track Event” button. 

Finally, select which list to add this Event Style to: your personal list or your public list. (Public profile is another new feature that will be discussed in a later newsletter). Once selected, the Event Style will get listed at the top of your Score History page, showing you your average and trends.

Finally, Keep Shooting to Update Your Trends

Now, as you shoot, your averages and trends will get updated automatically. Just remind your coach or match director to upload your scores using Orion every time you shoot.

The Technical Details

Event Styles are part of the Reconfigurable Rulebook standard. To learn about the technical definition of an Event Style visit https://support.scopos.tech/index.html?definition-event-style.html.


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