Five Tips to Get the Most Out of the Latest Release of Orion and Athena

Five Tips to Get the Most Out of the Latest Release of Orion and Athena

Two weeks ago Scopos released the latest version of Orion and Athena (version 2.17 of Orion and 1.5 of Athena). This release was chopped full of user requested enhancements. We are proud to bring you all of these improvements, especially because the ideas came from you, our valued customers. 

Without further ado here are five tips for getting the most out of this release. 

Tip 1: Assigning Default Squadding

This enhancement request came from a coach who regularly conducts practice matches using Athena and wanted a quick way to assign his athletes to the same firing point each session. Our solution was to add a new optional column in the Athlete Database tab where you may do exactly this, assign the default squadding firing point for each of your athlete's listed in the database. Then, when you create a new match, they are automatically assigned this firing point. 

Tip 2: Designating Favorite Coaches and Range Officers

This second enhancement request came from a BB Gun coach who adds coaches to their matches so they may be recongnized in the results. Formally, this could be done, but required a lot of mouse clicking. They had to mark a coach as a Favorite in the Database, but then when the coaches were added to the match, they'd have to take the added step to mark them as a Coach in Match Competitors. Now, we automated this. Coaches can directly be marked in the Database (along with Range Officers), and automatically added to each new match with their coach designation.

Tip 3: Customize the Colors on Your MM100 Display


Have you ever wanted to match the colors on your MM100 Spectator Display to your club's or school's colors? Well now you can. We added in a new Color Scheme Editor that allows you to customize the colors of your Displays. 

Liam Eberhart, one of our developers, used the new Color Scheme Editor on his Display to match the colors of his Alma Mater, the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Tip 4: Target Image Only MM100 View

We got this request from a couple of different coaches who wanted their MM100 Spectator Displays to only show the target images. Prior to this release, in both the default practice and competitions configuration, the MM100 would rotate to different views. With this release, you may now set your MM100 to only every show the Target Images, and it's easy to set up!

In Orion, in the Range Contol tab:

  1. Double click the row representing the Display you would like to update.
  2. In the Spectator Display Form (that will open), change the value of Current Event Assignment to "AthenaPracticeAssignmentsOnlyTargets."
  3. Click Save, and not your Display will only show target images.

Tip 5: Knowing When Competitors are Done Shooting

This last enhancement came from a coach who uses his Athena system to run regional competitions. On his 24 point range it is not always easy to know when all competitors have finished their stage, and he wanted a way to look within Orion for this information. So for example, in a 3x20, he wanted to know when a competitor fired their 20th shot prone. Or more precisely, when all competitors fired their 20th shot prone.

To add this in, now in the Range Control tab, under the "Segment" column, once an athlete fired their expected numbers of shots the Segment name will include the word "STOP" (as in the athlete should stop firing). In the example above, the Segment name would transition from "Prone" to "Prone Stop," and is demonstrated in the image below. 

As a bonus, on the DoW100 Athlete Monitors, after the athlete fires their expected number of shot, a stop sign will automatically appear in the upper left corner. 


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